[제품소식] CodeScroll SNIPER CWE 인증(Certificate)

Posted over 9 years ago by 손예슬 ㅤ

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손예슬 ㅤ
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1 Product from Suresoft Technologies Now Registered as Officially "CWE-Compatible"

November 19, 2015 | Share this article

CWE Compatible

One additional information security product has achieved the final stage of MITRE's formal CWE Compatibility Program and are now officially "CWE-Compatible." The product is now eligible to use the CWE-Compatible Product/Service logo, and a completed and reviewed "CWE Compatibility Requirements Evaluation" questionnaire is posted for the product as part of the organization's listing on the CWE-Compatible Products and Services page on the CWE Web site. A total of 39 products to-date have been recognized as officially compatible.

The following products are now registered as officially "CWE-Compatible":

Suresoft Technologies Inc. - CodeScroll SNIPER

Use of the official CWE-Compatible logo will allow system administrators and other security professionals to look for the logo when adopting SwA products and services for their enterprises and the compatibility process questionnaire will help end-users compare how different products and services satisfy the CWE compatibility requirements, and therefore which specific implementations are best for their networks and systems.

For additional information about CWE compatibility and to review all products and services listed, visit the CWE Compatibility Program and CWE-Compatible Products and Services.

원문 링크 : http://cwe.mitre.org/news/index.html#november192015_1_Product_from_Suresoft_Technologies_Now_Registered_as_Officially_CWE_Compatible

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